for us, design means responsability.

Strategic development and design for global brands

We want to support brands and people who have relevant ideas and for whom sustainability, education and change are more of a vision than a nuisance. From concept to design to code, we use our skills to make a difference with thoughtful design solutions.

Every result needs a concept, every concept needs an intention. Before we design, we want to get to the bottom of things and understand intentions in order to develop solutions.

In the joint workshop we will find out where you are right now, what drives you and what makes your brand special. We advise you well-founded on core topics such as brand target definition, vision, value proposition and corporate identity.

We empower people to create what matters

When the content-related foundation is in place, we design a visual world that sticks in your head and works holistically. We empathise with the project with attention to detail, but never lose sight of the big picture and the objective. We give your vision the form it deserves and which conveys what should be conveyed with the highest aesthetic standards.

As soon as it comes to creating digital products and websites, we deliberately do without ready-made standard solutions and rely on individual code. This is the only way to create unique and tailor-made user experiences that optimally represent your brand.

The translation of well thought-out design into high-quality code is particularly in our blood. Through a symbiosis of design, interaction and functionality, we bring your vision into the digital world of today and tomorrow.

branding through digital eyes • branding through digital eyes •

wagon lab studio exists to empower and support the brand design industry

branding through digital eyes • branding through digital eyes •



Brand strategy
Brand workshop
Goal setting
Creative briefing
Design consulting


Brand design
Logo development
Brand Guidelines
Design systems
Packaging design
Editorial style


Screen design
UI & UX design


Corporate site
Landing page
Webflow Development

meet our team